What Is Azure Active Directory?

With the advancement of technology, the opening of on-premises applications to the outside world has started to bring security vulnerabilities. In this context, Azure Active Directory comes into play. It is an enterprise identity service provided by Microsoft. It offers multi-factor authentication, application access management, reporting and auditing, self-service password reset, and management of a custom banned password list and smart lock features to protect users from cyberattacks.

What Is Azure Active Directory? 1

Azure Active Directory is used for user identity management and authorization for all IAAS, SAAS, and PAAS services in Microsoft Azure cloud.

Azure Active Directory helps businesses enhance productivity and security while providing access to thousands of cloud applications like Office 365, Salesforce, and Dropbox to employees and partners.

What are the advantages you can achieve with Azure Active Directory?

  • You can speed up processes for new users or departing users by providing single sign-on for multiple applications, enabling users to work faster.
  • By integrating with an existing Windows Server Active Directory, you can provide a seamless working environment for your users, whether they are in the office or working remotely.
  • You can create advanced application security with multi-factor authentication and conditional access.
  • You can work with multiple platforms and devices to enhance productivity and real-time communication through multi-platform functionality.
  • It helps businesses track application usage and enhance security by protecting against advanced threats with comprehensive reporting.

If you are an existing Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM customer, you are already using Azure Active Directory. You can use this service to manage access to one of the other cloud services that are used together with Azure.

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